قیمت تومان۱۴۵۰۰۰۰ تومان

اشتراک گذاری :
0 دیدگاه 4711 بازدید
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تاریخ انتشار: دی ۶, ۱۴۰۰
مدرک LPIC-1 اولین مدرک از مجموعه مدارک حرفه ای سطح بندی شده LPI لینوکس می باشد. این مدرک صلاحیت داوطلب در زمینه اداره کردن امور مرتبط با تعمیر و نگهداری از طریق خط فرمانی (command line)، نصب و پیکربندی یک کامپیوتر برخوردار از سیستم عامل لینوکس و نهایتا تنظیمات اولیه مرتبط با شبکه را تایید می کند.
با کد تخفیف suncode این محصول را با 50 درصد تخفیف خریداری نمایید. یعنی: 725,000 تومان

سرفصل ها:

  • Linux Fundamentals
    • Unix and its Design Principles
    • FSF and GNU
    • GPL – General Public License
    • The Linux Kernel
    • Components of a Distribution
    • Red Hat Linux Products
    • SUSE Linux Products
    • Debian
    • Ubuntu
    • Logging In
    • got root?
    • Switching User Contexts
    • Gathering Login Session Info
  • Lab Tasks
    • Login and Discovery
    • Switching Users With su
  • Work on the Command Line Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • Role of Command Shell
    • Shells
    • Gathering System Info
    • Identifying the Shell
    • Changing the Shell
    • Bourne sh: Prompts
    • bash: Bourne-Again Shell
    • Help from Commands and Documentation
    • Getting Help with man & info
    • bash: Command Line History
    • bash: Command Editing
    • bash: Command Completion
    • Shell and Environment Variables
    • Key Environment Variables
    • Help with Commands
    • Linux Shells
    • Shell Variables
    • Bash History
    • Aliases
  • Use Streams, Pipes, and Redirects Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • File Redirection
    • Piping Commands Together
    • Filename Matching
    • File Globbing and Wildcard Patterns
    • Brace Expansion
    • General Quoting Rules
    • Nesting Commands
    • Multiple and Multi-line Commands
    • Gotchas: Maximum Command Length
    • Connecting Commands
    • Wildcard File Matching
    • Shell Meta-Characters
    • Command Substitution
  • Manage File Permissions and Ownership Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
    • Navigating the Filesystem
    • Displaying Directory Contents
    • Filesystem Structures
    • Determining Disk Usage With df and du
    • File Ownership
    • Default Group Ownership
    • File and Directory Permissions
    • File Creation Permissions with umask
    • Changing File Permissions
    • SUID and SGID on files
    • SGID and Sticky Bit on Directories
    • User Private Group Scheme
    • Navigating Directories and Listing Files
    • Disk and Filesystem Usage
    • File and Directory Ownership and Permissions
  • Create, Delete, Find, and Display Files Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • Directory Manipulation
    • File Manipulation
    • Deleting and Creating Files
    • Physical Unix File Structure
    • Filesystem Links
    • File Extensions and Content
    • Displaying Files
    • Previewing Files
    • Displaying Binary Files
    • Which and Type
    • whereis
    • Searching the Filesystem
    • Alternate Search Method
    • Manually Installed Shared Libraries
    • Manipulating Files and Directories
  • Work with Archives and Compression Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • Archives with tar
    • Archives with cpio
    • The gzip Compression Utility
    • The bzip2 Compression Utility
    • The PKZIP Archiving/Compression format
    • Archiving and Compression
    • Using tar and cpio for Backups
  • Process Text Streams Using Filters Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • Producing File Statistics
    • The Streaming Editor
    • Text Processing with awk
    • Replacing Text Characters
    • Text Sorting
    • Duplicate Removal Utility
    • Extracting Columns of Text
    • Combining Files and Merging Text
    • Text Processing
    • Processing Text Streams
  • Search Text Files Using Regular Expressions Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • Searching Inside Files
    • Regular Expression Overview
    • Regular Expressions
    • RE Character Classes
    • RE Quantifiers
    • RE Parenthesis
    • Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
    • Extended Regular Expressions
    • Using Regular Expressions With sed
  • Perform Basic File Editing Operations Using vi Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • Text Editing
    • vi and Vim
    • Learning vi
    • Basic vi
    • Intermediate vi
    • Text Editing with Vim
  • Create, Monitor, and Kill Processes Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • What is a Process?
    • Process Lifecycle
    • Process States
    • Viewing Processes
    • Signals
    • Tools to Send Signals
    • Job Control Overview
    • Job Control Commands
    • nohup and disown
    • Managing Processes
    • Tuning Process Scheduling
    • uptime
    • Job Control Basics
    • Process Management and Job Control Basics
  • Use RPM, YUM, and Debian Package Management Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • Managing Software
    • RPM Architecture
    • Working With RPMs
    • Querying and Verifying with rpm
    • Installing Debian Packages
    • Querying and Verifying with dpkg
    • The alien Package Conversion Tool
    • Managing Software Dependencies
    • Using the YUM command
    • yumdownloader
    • Configuring YUM
    • The dselect & APT Frontends to dpkg
    • Aptitude
    • Configuring APT
    • Working with RPMs on Ubuntu
    • Querying the RPM Database
  • Work with Partitions, Filesystems, and Disk Quotas Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • Partition Considerations
    • Filesystem Planning
    • Partitioning Disks with fdisk
    • Partitioning Disks with parted
    • Filesystem Creation
    • Filesystem Support
    • Unix/Linux Filesystem Features
    • Swap
    • Selecting a Filesystem
    • Filesystem Maintenance
    • Mounting Filesystems
    • Mounting Filesystems
    • Managing an XFS Filesystem
    • NFS
    • SMB
    • Filesystem Table (/etc/fstab)
    • Configuring Disk Quotas
    • Setting Quotas
    • Viewing and Monitoring Quotas
    • Hot Adding Swap
    • Accessing NFS Shares
    • Setting User Quotas
  • Linux Boot Process Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • Booting Linux on PCs
    • GRUB Configuration
    • GRUB 2
    • Boot Parameters
    • /sbin/init
    • System Init Styles
    • Linux Runlevels
    • /etc/inittab
    • /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
    • SUSE /etc/init.d/boot
    • System Initialization
    • Runlevel Implementation
    • systemd System and Service Manager
    • systemd Targets
    • Using systemd
    • Shutdown and Reboot
    • Boot Process
    • GRUB Command Line
    • Basic GRUB Security
    • Basic GRUB Security
  • Determine and Configure Hardware Settings Lab Tasks
    • LPI Objectives Covered
    • Managing Linux Device Files
    • Hardware Discovery Tools
    • Configuring New Hardware with hwinfo
    • PC Architecture and Bus
    • DMA & IRQ
    • USB Devices
    • USB Configuration
    • Configuring Kernel Components and Modules
    • Kernel Modules
    • Handling Module Dependencies
    • Configuring the Kernel via /proc/
    • Kernel Hardware Info /sys/
    • /sys/ Structure
    • Adjusting Kernel Options
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